Pina Jabbari
Senior Managing Director, Global Corporate Partnerships
Save the Children US
Pina is s Senior Managing Director of Global Corporate Partnerships and is responsible for driving impact partnerships with Healthcare, Technology, Finance and Consulting Fortune 500 companies. During her tenure, which began in October 2012, she has been on the forefront of creating some of Save the Children’s most ambitious corporate partnerships for kids. Her leadership has driven forward scalable solutions, industry collaborations, global thought leadership events, cause marketing initiatives and more with some of the world’s leading companies.
Previously, Pina was a Program Officer at the Institute of International Education and supported a variety of international exchange programs for partners such as the U.S. Department of State, New York University, British Petroleum, Waha Oil Company and Dragon Foundation, among others. Pina also worked at the Academy for Educational Development and the World Learning’s Delphi International Program driving exchange programs with officials from around the world. Pina received her B.A. in international relations from American University and speaks fluent Italian and advanced Spanish. She lives in Connecticut with her husband, and their two children, Zahra and Vittoria.